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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
Swimming: (Fridays) Year 5 at Falls Leisure Centre [10th May 2024] | Swimming: (Fridays) Year 5 at Falls Leisure Centre [17th May 2024] | HIP N HEALTHY Programme (online) for 7H final session on Wednesday 8th May: Three Pillars of Growth. [8th May 2024]
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Safeguarding and Child Protection


If a parent has a child protection concern they can follow the
guide below:
I have a concern about my/a child’s safety
I can talk to the class teacher
If I am still concerned I can talk to the Principal
Mr McArevey
I can talk to the Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mr Curran
Deputy Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs Reel
If I am still concerned I can talk or write to the Designated
Governor for Child Protection of the Board of Governors
Geraldine Prenter