3Mc Mrs McShane Room 10
Welcome to Primary 3MC
You are very welcome to our class web page. We hope you enjoy finding out all about what we do in Primary 3. In Primary 3 we celebrate our sacrament of First Confession. As well as our core curriculum subjects we enjoy taking part in the Daily Mile and Hurling with GaelFast. This year our class is part of the ‘Buddy Up’ Programme by CRIS and we are paired with the P3s in Glenwood P.S.
Our topics this year include:
1. Keeping Healthy
2. In The Beginning
3. Once Upon a Time
4. My Place and Yours
Teaching Staff:
Mrs McShane
Classroom Assistant
School Day:
Start: 9am
Break: 10.15am to 10.30am
Lunch: 11.50am-12.30pm
Finish: 2.30pm (Monday to Thursday) and 1.00pm (on Friday)
I will update our class website and Dojo pages throughout the school year!
Have a look at our news to see what we’ve been up to!
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Primary Information
Class Photograph

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Holy Cross Boys' PS, Brookfield Street, BT14 7EX
Phone: 028 9035 1032 | Email: holycrossboys@hotmail.com