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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
The Gaelic football trials for the school team will be held on Tuesday 17th September (3.00 to 4.00pm) & are open to all P6-7 students.
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Moonlight Rm Ms Lynch

Welcome to The Moonlight Room!

The Moonlight Room is for P4 and P5 boys in need of extra support to make the most of their potential. Our ASD unit provides a high level of structured provision which allows for specialised individual teaching while remaining integrated with the mainstream school. We place an emphasis on sensory regulation and the development of social and emotional literacy within the school day.

Teaching Staff

Ms Louise Lynch

Moonlight Room Classroom Assistants

Naomi Gormley FT

Joe Gormley FT

Tia Keenan FT


School Day:

Start 8.45am

Break 10.45 to 11.00am

Lunch 12.30 to 1.00pm

Finish 2.30pm (Monday to Thursday)

         12.30pm (Friday)  




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