Access Keys:

Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast

5C Mr Connolly Room 15

Welcome to Primary 5!

This is an exciting and marvellous year in the life of Holy Cross Boys’ Primary School. Lots of fun things happen in P5. The children are offered a wide range of learning opportunities both in and outside school.

Our topics this year include:

  • The GAA / Healthy Living
  • Early Man
  • Energy
  • The Egyptians

Have a look at our news to see what we've been up to!

P5C Team

Mr  O Connolly
Mrs Wallace

Miss Chloe Braniff

Ms Emma  Braniff

Miss Carlin                                                                                                                                          

School Day:

Start: 9.00am

Break:10.45- 10.55am

Lunch:12.30- 1.10pm

Finish: 3.00pm (Monday to Thursday) and 1.15pm (on Friday)

Have a look at our news to see what we’ve been up to!



8th Feb 2024
Today the P5s welcomed a team of fire fighters from the Westland Fire and Rescue...
12th Dec 2023
The boys in Room 15 have been working really hard to improve their reading efforts....
12th Dec 2023
With term one finishing next week, it was time to reward the pupils who have met...
12th Dec 2023
The boys got to experience playing hockey this week. Thankfully we had some expert...

Latest Photographs


Primary Information


Class Photograph


Latest Videos

Curriculum Overview P5 Presentation
7th Sep 2022