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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast



Freckle is a new online learning platform that allows our boys to practise Maths at their own level. At the start of each term, the boys take a Star Maths test which then informs Freckle of their score and level. Freckle then continuously adapts to each boy’s individual skills while ensuring they are getting the appropriate challenge.

Each week, the boys who have been most accurate in their Freckle work are celebrated and are given the opportunity to try and guess the code of our Treasure Safe.

10th Jun 2024
Congratulations to our P4-7 Freckle winners for Term 3. These ‘Top Mathematicians’...
17th May 2024
Congratulations to these pupils who collected the H.C.B Reader, Mathematician, Artist,...
10th May 2024
Congratulations to these pupils who collected the H.C.B Reader, Mathematician, Artist,...