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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast

Student Council


Student Council have been working together as a team to help make our school an even better place to be.

Pupil voice is about having the opportunity to have a say in decisions in school that affect us. It is also about being active members of our school and working together to improve our school for everyone.

These are some of the things which we have been working on:

  • PE gear for sport
  • Anti-bullying ambassadors for the playground.

Ways we can use our pupil voice in school:

  • Elect a representative to Student Council
  • Thumbs up/thumbs down –telling my teacher how I am doing.
  • KWL
  • Peer assessment
  • Pupils input into 6 weekly notes
5th Oct 2023
The newly elected HCB Student Council for 2023-24 participated in their first student...
5th Oct 2022
The newly elected HCB Student Council had their first meeting of the new school year...