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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast

7H Mr Hawkins Room 20

Welcome to Primary 7H. This is our class web page. We hope you enjoy finding out some of the wonderful activities we do in Primary 7. Primary 7 is such an important year for us. We have our Transfer Test, our Service of Commitment and Light and we look forward to our Sacrament of Confirmation. We are also looking forward to our school Transition Week, where we become Year 8 pupils for the week. Have a great time checking out our page.

Our topics this year include:

An Gorta Mor

The Romans

Incredible Journeys & Evolution

Teaching Staff:

Mr Hawkins

Classroom Assistant:

Miss Ciara Clarke

School Day:

Start: 9.00am

Break: 10.45am – 10.55am

Lunch: 12.30pm – 1.10pm

Finish: 3.00pm (Monday – Thursday) 1.15pm (Friday)



6th Jun 2024
A HUGE congratulations to our Primary 7 pupils who all took part in their Leaver's...
26th Apr 2024
P7H enjoyed doing some gardening today. After the long winter months, we eventually...
26th Apr 2024
Week 2 of @Irish News Young Readers Project. Our focus this week was Wellbeing. We...
19th Apr 2024
Hazelwood College continue to send their teachers to deliver excellent lessons for...



Latest Photographs


Primary Information


Class Photograph


Latest Videos

Leavers 24
24th Jun 2024
P7H- Major Events in History
19th Mar 2024
An Gorta Mor- Letters home 2
15th Dec 2023