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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
Soccer Match: 7 Aside Year 7 Soccer at La Salle on 02/05/24 [2nd May 2024] | Maiden Voyage Dance Company for the P7 Movement Workshops (both classes) Tues 30 April 9.15-11.15am in Hall. [30th April 2024] | Swimming: (Fridays) Year 5 at Falls Leisure Centre [3rd May 2024] | Swimming: (Fridays) Year 5 at Falls Leisure Centre [10th May 2024] | HIP N HEALTHY Programme (online) for 7H final session on Wednesday 8th May: Three Pillars of Growth. [8th May 2024]
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Sponsored Bounce-a-thon in HCB

19th Feb 2024


As mentioned in our Weekly Bulletin, we are holding a sponsored Bounce-a-thon (like last year) in the school hall on Wednesday 6th March 2024. The money raised will provide much needed funds for purchasing novels and guided reading books.

Each boy will be asked to seek sponsors or donations from their family and friends (1 sponsor sheet per family).

Every child in school who has been given parent/guardian consent, will get a chance to take part.

Sponsor sheets were distributed today, Monday 19th February 2024 for the pupils taking part.

All monies should be returned to the class teacher by Monday 4th March 2024.