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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast

News Archive - Rainbow Room

2022/2023 School Year

29th Nov 2022
Our KS1 Christmas Show (Countdown to Christmas) is scheduled for parents to come...

2021/2022 School Year

30th Jun 2022
Today, we had a final get together for this school year and presented two superb...
15th Jun 2022
The Rainbow Room enjoyed their trip to Whiterock Leisure Centre. We all had a great...
15th Jun 2022
We have been learning all about water through play.
15th Jun 2022
Rainbow Room loved making Bubble Art - The boys used bubble wrap to print out...
9th May 2022
We counted carefully to make sure we gave teddy the right number of cakes.
9th May 2022
We even made our own hedgehogs. We stuck lots of colourful leaves on our Autumn Hedge...
9th May 2022
We made houses of straw, wood and bricks.  We also dough to make faces and tails...