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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast

News Archive - WAU

22nd Oct 2024
Congratulations to P4M on winning the display competition with their WW2 inspired...
16th Oct 2024
Alongside, Mr. McEvoy, the children at the ES Science Club eagerly gathered around...
15th Oct 2024
To complete the Mental Health and Wellbeing theme last week, we had our annual Mental...
10th Oct 2024
Look at our gorgeous Autumn Art work! 
10th Oct 2024
The boys loved participating in the Extended Schools Science Investigations with...
10th Oct 2024
As part of our Keeping Healthy topic, R10 used their sense of taste and tried an...
1st Oct 2024
On Thursday 26th September we celebrated European Day of Languages. The boys were...
26th Sep 2024
Bonjour from Room 10 🇫🇷 Today we learned to count to 10 and some basic conversational...
25th Sep 2024
Both Primary 4M R13 and 4W R12 thoroughly enjoyed a virtual visit from the Ulster...
16th Sep 2024
We had a great morning in our ICT suite working through our CEA Task. We used Microsoft...