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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast

News Archive - 7H Mr Hawkins Room 20

6th Jun 2024
A HUGE congratulations to our Primary 7 pupils who all took part in their Leaver's...
26th Apr 2024
P7H enjoyed doing some gardening today. After the long winter months, we eventually...
26th Apr 2024
Week 2 of @Irish News Young Readers Project. Our focus this week was Wellbeing. We...
19th Apr 2024
Hazelwood College continue to send their teachers to deliver excellent lessons for...
12th Apr 2024
P7H thoroughly enjoyed their 3rd workshop of the HIP N Healthy Programme this week...
21st Mar 2024
HCB Gaelic Football team, under the guidance of Mr Magennis faced off against Gaelscoil...
19th Mar 2024
We have been working on a research project over the past week about famous events...
6th Mar 2024
P7H thoroughly enjoyed their 2nd workshop of the HIP N Healthy Programme this morning...
1st Mar 2024
The annual HCB Year 7 Transition Week finished this week and proved a great success...
22nd Feb 2024
Our annual ‘What’s Inside’ interactive workshop is being delivered...